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Mount Midgely and Parker Ridge fire crews preparing for windy weather

Mount Midgely and Parker Ridge fire crews preparing for windy weather

Crews working on sprinkler line at Mount Midgely fire; Porthill residents asked to voluntarily evacuate due to coming winds...
Restrictions helping water situation, but levels low in Creston and Erickson system

Restrictions helping water situation, but levels low in Creston and Erickson system

Peak demand has passed, says Arrow Creek system manger Robin Douville, but interface fire would be tough to fight...
Creston RCMP report public drunkenness, lost wallets

Creston RCMP report public drunkenness, lost wallets

Creston RCMP responded to 120 calls from Aug. 10-16, a period that might have set a new record for lost wallet reports...
Farmers burning to prevent possible spread of Idaho wildfire south of Creston

Farmers burning to prevent possible spread of Idaho wildfire south of Creston

Strong winds for northern Idaho tomorrow; fields burning as preventative measure today; smoke may be visible from Creston...
Canyon-Lister, Creston fire chiefs credit U.S. firefighters with preventing wildfire spread to Canada

Canyon-Lister, Creston fire chiefs credit U.S. firefighters with preventing wildfire spread to Canada

“We dodged a bullet. The threat was very real," said Canyon-Lister Chief Glenn Guthrie of Idaho's Parker Ridge wildfire...
Town of Creston applying for three car charging units for Visitor Centre

Town of Creston applying for three car charging units for Visitor Centre

Car charging units free, regional district will pay for installation; plus, briefs from Aug. 11, including sculpture at new intersection...
Mount Midgely fire northwest of Creston only 400 hectares, now 10 per cent contained

Mount Midgely fire northwest of Creston only 400 hectares, now 10 per cent contained

Mount Midgely wildfire northwest of Creston smaller than originally estimated; investigator on-site to determine cause...
UPDATED: Environment Ministry, Interior Health lift smoky skies advisory for Creston Valley

UPDATED: Environment Ministry, Interior Health lift smoky skies advisory for Creston Valley

Advisory recommends that residents avoid strenuous outdoor activities in southern areas of Okanagan, Boundary and Kootenay regions...
Ninety-four percent of downtown Creston business owners have positive outlook

Ninety-four percent of downtown Creston business owners have positive outlook

Jobs Ministry rep gives Creston town council report on Business Walk program; cites 41 per cent having retirement plans as a concern...
Mount Midgely fire northeast of Creston still 600 hectares after daylong suppression

Mount Midgely fire northeast of Creston still 600 hectares after daylong suppression

Suppression crews fighting fire that started Friday evening; despite 'moderate' fire rating, Southeast Fire Centre urges caution...