Submitted by Kristina Leidums, Homelinks teacher
A hardworking group of Homelinks elementary students will be hosting their very own market.
This Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Creston and District Community Complex, the Student Market will showcase products and services developed by the students as part of their home learning plans. The British Columbia school curriculum includes career education and entrepreneurship, making a market a great fit for a project-based learning experience. Interest has grown since 2020, when the Homelinks students held their first market at the Rotacrest Hall.
The 50 student vendors range from Kindergarten to Grade 9, proving that age is not a limiting factor when it comes to developing creative business ideas. Products for sale include handmade crafts, soap, baked goods, dog treats, candles, popcorn, plants, artwork and much more. The student’s products have been developed over several months of planning, research and production, with many skills developed along the way, such as financial literacy, creativity, literacy, applied design and communication. The students are excited and motivated to interact with the public and serve the customers who will visit the market.
As a teacher and parent, I appreciate the benefits of learning through entrepreneurial experiences. Students have the opportunity for real world experience, solving problems along the way and thinking out- side of the box, all skills which will benefit them as they enter the workforce. Creating a business from scratch, or further developing one they already have, is an experience which can help children grow personally and academically.
Please join us on Saturday to support these young entrepreneurs!
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