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Young women receive too many mixed messages from society

Women have to walk a fine line in order not to be judged or criticized, says response to criticism of LoRae Blackmore column...

To the Editor:

(Re: “Both sides are to blame in matters of equality")

In my opinion, LoRae Blackmore (“The Teen Take: Do you know how to identify the Proper Woman?”) was using satire to identify the mixed messages that young women receive from society. Women have to walk a fine line in order not to be judged or criticized.

Girls are given Barbie dolls at an early age, which may give them the idea that the ideal female body type is extremely thin with blond hair. No wonder some young women develop anorexia. Some young girls’ clothes are miniature versions of adult fashions. One of my granddaughters was given a toy makeup kit at the age of four by a relative of my son-in-law.

Some movie stars and popular singers are terrible examples, such as Miley Cyrus. Also, there are many negative or even evil influences on the Internet.

I heard on the news last week that one in four females in the U.S.A. will be assaulted in her lifetime. Only a small percentage of assaults are reported and even fewer are prosecuted. If a woman does report an assault, she may be judged for wearing seductive clothes or associating with the wrong people.

The recent news reports about alleged sexual assaults by famous personalities such as Jian Ghomeshi and Bill Cosby seem to show that some (not all) men have no regard for women as individuals with feelings. Boys and men can also be victims of sexual assault.

I heard Ms. Blackmore give a mature and insightful talk last March 8 at an International Women’s Day event in Creston. She was invited to be the guest speaker at an event in Nelson recently. I was not able to attend but my daughter, who lives in Nelson, did attend and she was very impressed.

I am glad the Advance now has a column in which teenagers can express their point of view. If we listen to people of different age groups, cultures and religions in a non-judgmental way, perhaps we may evolve into a tolerant, caring and compassionate society in Creston, Canada and the world.

Avril Oliver
