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Sins are addressed through love and truth of God

Earlier this year, the Canadian Supreme Court ruled that biblical speech opposing homosexual behavior is a hate crime...

To the Editor:

Earlier this year, the Canadian Supreme Court ruled that biblical speech opposing homosexual behavior is a hate crime (

The Bible reveals two things very clearly, in relation to the cross on which Jesus died.

First, “the wages of sin is death.” (Romans 6:23) The definition of sin cannot be changed. It’s intrinsically, scientifically, lethally opposed to how God designed and created the universe. If the definition could be changed, the cross would not have happened.

Second, that God loves us more than His own life. (Revelation 1:5) Sinners of all kinds are deeply loved by their Creator. If that weren’t true, the cross would not have happened.

Christians are never taught by the Bible to ridicule or hate any person. Some Christians may hate people of a certain group — but the Bible doesn’t teach them that.

Because sin hurts and destroys us, God cannot give it His approval and support. His love for us won’t allow it. He will never make sin innocent and harmless. But He has made a method of escaping it — and the spiritual and physical dying it causes.

God’s love for His creatures generates His hatred for the sins that harm them. Despite our inclinations and legal rulings to the contrary, our human sinfulness needs to be addressed — not through increasing evil, such as hating and ridiculing people, but through the love and truth of God.

Ken Lemky
