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Rec Perspectives: Seeking Instructors to Share New Skills

The teaching experience leaves a lasting impression
Tia Wayling is the recreation services coordinator with the Regional District of Central Kootenay. File photo

By Tia Wayling, Recreation Services Co-ordinator with the Regional District of Central Kootenay

Let’s go back to 2007. The upgrade to the new facility hadn’t begun yet, and I had been working at the Community Complex for about one year. One of our regular users had come to the counter to ask a question and chatted with us at the front office while she was waiting for her child to finish a program she was registered in. The conversation led to talking about creative hobbies when she told us of her latest passion, Swedish Weaving. We were all very curious as to what this entailed so the next time she was in, she brought in her magnificent works of art. She had woven different colours of yarn into magnificent, cascading patterns onto monk’s cloth, which is a loosely woven cotton typically used as towels, linens, rugs, and blankets. All of us ladies at the office were mesmerized and were eager to learn this craft.

From there, a program was born and all of us registered for the newly-created Saturday morning class. We were given small scraps of monk’s cloth, a flat weaving needle, and a small ball of yarn. She explained the basics of this needlework craft as well as how to read different patterns. It was quite easy to understand, but grasping the needling technique and correct tensions took some practice. It was only a few hours of instruction to have a good understanding before we were armed with enough knowledge to continue on our own.

By Monday, all of us brought in our practice cloths to the office to show what we had done. It was clear from the beginning how our individual styles were developing. After a few months, I had finished two full size blankets to give to my mother and mother-in-law as gifts, choosing colours and patterns that matched their personalities. They had the same reaction as I had when I first saw this type of weaving and were taken aback by the beauty of the patterns. Although it took time, it was very fun, easy to grasp, and the end result made you look like a professional. It’s funny how after 15 years, that experience has had a lasting impression on me.

The instructor for this program wasn’t a professional by any means, although she did have quite a bit of experience in her unique craft. I know there are a lot of people in the Creston Valley who have a hobby or skill that others would probably enjoy very much if they had access to the equipment and proper instruction.

I actually started in 2006 as a running instructor and have since taught countless fitness and wellness programs over the past 15 years. Initially, I was very shy and had a hard time talking in front of people, but the participants are always so appreciative and eager to learn something new. Our community is very friendly have always been very encouraging. The more you teach, the easier it gets.

If you or somebody you know would be interested in sharing their passion in a craft or skill, reach out to one of our Recreation Service Programmers via email at to discuss the details on how to become an instructor at the Creston & District Community Complex. You have a chance to connect with others and meet like-minded people.

READ MORE: Rec Perspectives: Improving Recreational Opportunities