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Pink Shirt Day gives negative message about morality

Using an anti-bullying platform to confuse and deceive children is not acting responsibly, says Creston letter writer Ken Lemky...

To the Editor:

It is a positive thing to appropriately oppose bullying and many kinds of discrimination, and to teach children so. However, it is not a positive thing to hijack a good cause and try to make it serve a very negative message concerning sexuality. Immorality is not positive, and, while no one should be bullied for any reason, using an anti-bullying platform to confuse and deceive children from another moral angle is not acting responsibly.

Our Creator designed us, and knows what is good. Jesus takes the well-being of children very personally (Mark 10:14, Matthew 18:6).

I hope we will engage in many good causes for our children. Bullying and sexual immorality are both incredibly harmful, destructive and sorrowful — as we see, hear and feel all around us.

Ken Lemky
