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MP must stand up for Kootenay-Columbia residents

I hope you are ready to go to Ottawa and represent your Kootenay-Columbia constituents to the best of your ability and conscience...

To the Editor:

(Open letter to Kootenay-Columbia member of Parliament David Wilks)

I hope you had a good summer and are ready to go to Ottawa and represent your Kootenay-Columbia constituents to the best of your ability and conscience. I also hope that you will vote for or against what you truly believe in and what best represents the wishes of your fellow Kootenay-Columbia Canadians. Even if you have to be our independent MP because of your principles, I would fully support you.

I grew up under the Hitler dictatorship and laster, for some years, under the brutal Soviet dictatorship. Because of this, I have become very sensitive to any politician who practices contempt of parliament and pushes his will and ideology in a dictatorial way into law.

You have observed and witnessed that Mr. Harper has done just that again and again. You have spoken out against Bill C-38 but when it came to the vote, you caved in or didn't have the courage to vote against it. I do hope it will be different in the coming Parliament session. And please try to make Mr. Harper understand that we can't have a healthy economy without a healthy planet and that climate change is the greatest threat facing humanity.

It would be great to have an MP who stands up for freedom and democracy and a healthy Mother Earth, an MP we can be proud of — in other words, a great Canadian. As you do your work in Ottawa for us, please take Albert Einstein's words to heart: “The world is a dangerous place to live because of the people who don't do anything about it.”

for the coming session, I wish you health, happiness, wisdom and courage. Thank you for carrying the burden of responsibility and representing us in Ottawa.

Henry Dahle
