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Lister business owner says 'outsiders' eager for more work

Letter writer Denise Harris responds to MIchael Bunn's letter that said menial jobs are being taken from Canadians by refugees...

To the Editor:

(Re: “Creston and Canada don't need to welcome refugees”)

The letter writer seems to be an expert on a lot of topics not just refugees but also the economy, the job market, social assistance, homegrown enemies, foreign policy and veterans’ affairs. Looks like his sadness and anger has found an outlet in bashing refugees.

When he complains that these “outsiders” are taking “menial jobs” from locals is where words really make a difference. Two of our 18 team members are these people he calls outsiders. Never have I heard the word “menial” come from their lips. “Thank you,” and, “More work, please,” but never “menial”. If anyone (insider or outsider) comes asking for work and utters the word “menial”, they won’t get past the door.

Can’t help but be curious who he will be voting for if he thinks Harper is a bleeding heart liberal.

Denise Harris
