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Letter to the editor: Every candidate and party must commit to urgent action on the Climate Crisis

“Just like cancer, the sooner we act, the less radical the treatment and the greater the likelihood of survival.”

By Andre C. Piver, Creston

The most critical issue that every candidate and party must commit to is urgent action now, on the Climate Crisis already upon us. Evidence-based critical thinking says so.

The World Health Organization, Canadian Medical Association and Canadian Public Health Association have all called it “the greatest threat to human health of the 21st Century.”

Although the human brain unconsciously tends to easily discount the extreme weather and polar vortex anomalies — floods, storms, wildfires etc. — other issues truly pale in comparison.

Setting targets for 2040 is meaningless and may mean in fact setting up future governments to implement the inconvenient. Just like cancer, the sooner we act, the less radical the treatment and the greater the likelihood of survival. It’s time to “walk the talk.”