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International Monetary Fund is taking economic control of Ukraine

Neo-Nazi activists in the Ukrainian uprising itself are now members in an independent militia that intimidates the government...

To the Editor:

(Re: “Ukraine unrest part of U.S. and EU plan to loot banks and corporations”)

It was refreshing to read the letter by Anton Skerbic, who presented the Ukrainian situation from the view of the other half of the world in a clear and professional manner. To ferret out declarations from various western leaders regarding their involvement in support of the coup against the democratically elected president of Ukraine must have taken some painstaking research. Many of his statements are corroborated in online sources I have been reading.

I was quite surprised to read in the March 29 Vancouver Sun an article that concurs with the strong involvement and influence of neo-Nazi activists in the Ukrainian uprising itself, who are now members in an independent militia that seems to have both the government and its regular military intimidated.

That the purpose of this whole enterprise is to take over, through the aegis of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the economic control of Ukraine is corroborated in a recent article by Paul Craig Roberts (article at, former assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. The IMF will require the dismantling of any social security remaining for Ukrainians and will facilitate the takeover of national industries by foreign companies. Another goal, of course, is the inclusion of Ukraine in NATO, he predicts. I would not be surprised if the U.S. added to its hundreds of military bases around the world by constructing another one in Ukraine.

Many innocent and well-meaning citizens of Ukraine unwittingly got caught in the protests, and unfortunately they will pay a heavy price through economic deprivation prescribed by the IMF. Ukraine seemingly just follows Yugoslavia, Iraq and many others. I recently read in the popular press that Canada is preparing to follow up its adventures in Afghanistan by beginning the mining of that country’s plentiful mineral resources, hopefully not in the style of their South American operations.

Bob Ewashen
