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Incumbent School District No. 8 trustee should have attended Creston forum

It was very disturbing to hear that Rebecca Huscroft would choose to miss any opportunity to meet with a group of electors...

To the Editor:

(Re: “Creston's SD8 South Rural candidates find little to disagree about”)

It was very disturbing to hear that Rebecca Huscroft would choose to miss any opportunity to meet with a group of electors at a public forum. As School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) board member and chair, she should welcome any opportunity to gather information regarding the schools, students and staff that she represents and employs.

The comment by Huscroft that teachers are “not representative of the voters of the Creston Valley” is a concern. Would she not attend if the group were only parents? The concerns of every person involved in the education of our children should be of interest to our representatives. If that is not the case, why should we elect them?

Dale Rumohr
