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Creston should create its own police force

Instead of council keeping its fingers crossed at the census for fear of topping 5,000, it could have started the town’s own police force...

To the Editor:

Was the lack of forethought and action by previous Creston town councils the beginning of Creston’s demise? Instead of council keeping its fingers crossed at the census for fear of topping 5,000, with the $1 million in reserve for a rainy day, it could have started the town’s own police force. A team of six officers would have been sufficient to maintain law and order, even at today’s standards, for the area within the town’s boundaries.

With one patrol car and two good used pickups as “ghost trucks”, the town Constables ticketing daily violations of driving without seatbelts, not using signals, running red lights and stop signs, talking on cellphones, speeding, having open liquor, making illegal left turns, having no running lights and driving under the influence would bring in revenue that would cover their salaries. Have their office in town hall, with a holding cell in the basement. Rent out the police building on 16th Avenue South to the RCMP and we’d be in business.

But no. We are stuck with a 20-year contract that's like paying ransom to the federal government, which is calling the shots. What were the councils thinking of?

Would town manager Lou Varela care to comment on my concept and questions?

Michael Bunn
