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Consider This: There is a simple solution to taxes

I never thought that the day will come when I have a dozen letters in my head yet no desire to submit any...
Vladimir Certik believes that thinking outside the box and engaging fellow citizens may bring simple solutions to complex problems.

Writing letters to the editor and this column, I never thought that the day will come when I have a dozen letters in my head yet no desire to submit any. Some fellow citizens told me they liked my (fiery) letters from the past more than last few Consider This columns. So what is going on?

First, about half a year ago, I reached the stage when I felt hitting the brick wall on every turn. Second, I believed that I needed to touch the hearts, consciences and souls of readers before appealing to their minds. Third, I got tired of all the battles and sold-out politicians.

Where do I stand now? I came to the conclusion that much of my submissions will be brushed off or discarded. Little will change. “Why bother?” one might ask. Simply because there are many who need to hear it, and some who will grasp it and benefit from it. If I bring the problem into the open, explain it and present a solution, what matters in the end is that those with listening ears will consider, understand and act upon it. They will see that democracy, progress and civilization are but empty words, and that crooks will remain crooked as hell while those of pure and honest heart will come out of the rat race having peace in the midst of storm and living fulfilling lives instead of chasing the carrots and pipe dreams. They will recognize and avoid smooth talkers, profiteers, scammers, opportunists, smarties and their clones.

Let me give you one example of problem-solution sequence: taxes. Did you ever hear that there are only two things sure in our lives, death and taxes? I know about a simple way to avoid all but one tax at no cost to citizens, for the benefit of society: Issue currency free of usury, fund basic education, health care, pensions and essential government services by it and let the people enjoy lives free of taxes. Instead of bankers punching computer keyboards, creating money out of thin air, charging usury on it and loading people with debt, why can’t the government issue and regulate our currency? Because it would benefit society instead of parasitic puppet masters?

The British North America Act of 1867 gave the right to issue and regulate our currency to our government. Sold-out politicians gave this right to banking gangsters. Approach any elected politician with this and you will see a sour face, big time. How about taxing natural resources only (like oil) for the benefit of our people instead fattening oil (and other) barons? As it is now, we are raping nature (tarsands), and Chinese and other outsiders reap the profits while our beloved government (sarcasm intended) adds to the Canadian half-a-trillion-dollar federal debt. How come we export crude and pay some 20-30 cents per litre more than at the pump across the line? Why do politicians do nothing? Isn’t it because they represent whoever and whatever but Canadians?

Politicians at the trough, you have absolutely no excuse. No more sitting on your hands, hanging Canadians out dry, and selling us, our children and this once great country to your puppet masters. Do the right thing once in your lifetime.

Vladimir Certik believes that thinking outside the box and engaging fellow citizens may bring simple solutions to complex problems. The West Creston resident can be reached at 250-402-0055.