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Canada a dependable silent partner in America’s illegal wars

War in the Middle East is pitting fundamental Christians against fundamental Muslims, forcing their conception of Armageddon...

To the Editor:

Lest we forget, Canada has been making and selling war weapons, and has been a dependable silent partner for 30-plus years for America’s illegal wars. In fact, the U.S. couldn't wage war without Canadian investment and input. Canada makes a hefty profit from war. Our retirement funds and Canada Pension Plan are invested in war, so locked in legally that we can’t divest our savings from war investments. Harper’s Conservatives have upped the war/military profile on media, with parades, the 1812 war reenactment and now a national holiday to honour our soldiers. Are we going to honor all the foreign maimed and dead on their polluted lands, as well?

War is not romantic or honourable, defending some peoples’ rights (but not others’). War is about death, misery, trauma, insanity and accelerated climate change. War is about stealing other nations’ resources, and poisoning land and people for centuries with depleted uranium. For the folks who believe in the “second coming” (Harper and his petro-religion cronies), war in the Middle East is pitting fundamental Christians against fundamental Muslims, forcing their conception of Armageddon upon the planet. As if love- and tolerance-preaching Christ would choose these warmongers as the “chosen ones” and leave the rest of us six billion “unchosen” to die in the fiery flames of hell. It is time to reject these life-threatening war cultists!

Choose and vote for peace and prosperity, not war and austerity.

Susan Eyre
