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All should exercise right to vote

With a possible federal election this spring, I feel it is important that everyone exercise his or her democratic right to vote for whoever is best qualified to take the helm in Ottawa...

To the Editor:

With a possible federal election this spring, I feel it is important that everyone exercise his or her democratic right to vote for whoever is best qualified to take the helm in Ottawa. There is no force more powerful than marking an X on a ballot.

As for myself, I am conservative, both politically and philosophically. To me, conservatism is also a state of mind that best represents true democracy and freedom. However, it is not my intention to influence people to vote my way because that would be counterproductive, as well as undemocratic.

I believe it’s important to help those who are less fortunate, protecting health care, education and seniors pensions, creating employment for everyone, eliminating poverty, hunger, disease, racism, bigotry, anti-Semitism, bullying of any kind, corruption and pollution, creating more tolerance in regard to same-sex marriage, maintaining a strong military force in the interest of national security, and weeding out the extremists who are attempting to corrupt the Islamic faith. Also, it is vital to achieve complete equality between men and women because it’s long overdue.

I guess you could say I am a conservative social activist who also possesses a warm heart, is very compassionate, sentimental, well educated, eternally optimistic and spiritual, but strong willed and able to hold my own when the going gets tough. I have adopted these qualities from Ronald Reagan, who is now regarded as one of the greatest presidents of all time, and the architect of “modern conservatism” in the United States. President Barack Obama is also an admirer of Mr. Reagan. So don’t believe all this rhetoric that “Ronnie” was a warmonger, indifferent toward the working class and that his economic policies were responsible for the economic meltdown of 2008. This is nothing but a pile of rubbish perpetrated by individuals who practised a radical ideology for their own self-interests. During the Cold War (1948-1991), communism was the enemy that had to be defeated. We can all thank Mr. Reagan for this, as well as preventing a nuclear Armageddon..

To close my letter: If the rumours are true that there may be an election soon (until proven otherwise), I urge everyone to get out and vote — the motherland of Canada is calling on you to do so. Please don’t let her down! God bless, have faith and may angels always watch over you.

Allan Clement
