To: Any person having a legal interest in the property describe below:
TAKE NOTICE THAT the Property located at 1431 Connel Road, Creston, BC, V0B-1G3 is considered ABANDONED.
Owner: Dana Frank Reiner
Property to be DISPOSED of: 1971 Alderson Sectional Home, Serial No. 7423 size: 22x 48
MH Registry No. 022079 and it’s contents.
AND TAKE NOTICE THAT the manufactured home and contents will be disposed of after 30 days of this notice being posted, unless the person being notified takes the items, or establishes a legal right to the items, or makes a dispute resolution application with the Residential Tenancy Branch, or makes an application in Supreme Court to establish their rights to the items. The tenancy has ended, and the property must be removed.
Landlord: Frank Frederick Reiner c/o 1601 -16th Avenue South, Creston, BC V0B-1G3
Ph. 250-428-1884
DATED: August 8, 2024