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Volunteers needed to help clean up the Pend d’Oreille on Saturday

Helpers are asked to meet at Scrap King at 9 a.m.
Photo: Clean up the Pondy/Darelyn Stuart/Facebook

As the saying goes, “It takes a village … “

A volunteer crew made up of hard working locals who cherish the Pend d’Oreille valley is asking the community for their muscle this weekend to help clean up a whole lot of garbage and junk abandoned on this verdant, bio-diverse landscape.

The clean up goes Saturday, Dec. 2.

Helpers are asked to meet at Scrap King at 9 a.m.

For those who miss the meet-up time, organizers ask you to head to the Nelway border entrance to the Pend d’Oreille and follow the signs to the crane site/burnt out bridge by the water.

Volunteers put hours into planning this clean-up.

Organizers say this couldn’t happen with the help of:

* Chris Sutherland from Sutherland Group Enterprises/SUTCO/Brooklyn Barge;
* Lance Cochran for bringing a low bed truck and excavator, garbage on his dime;
* Summit Truck and Equipment for cutting discs, leather gloves, 200 hundred latex gloves and a box of heavy duty garbage bags;
* AM Ford in Trail for fronting the dump bill to get this done;
* Hans Cunningham from RDCK, Mayor Diana Lockwood and Jessica from the Village of Salmo for moving this forward;
* RDCK board to reimburse the dump fee;
* Kurtis MacGillivray NoFrills Trail for donating beverages, hotdogs and chips to the helpers.
* Darelyn Stuart for organizing this clean up and hours on the phones coordinating with others.
People power is still needed.
Also needed are trucks, trailers, generators, extension cords, grinders,gloves, garbage bags,shovels and rakes.
Can you help?
For more info click here: Clean up the Pondy

Stories from Greg Nesteroff/Special to Black Press:

Sheri Regnier

About the Author: Sheri Regnier

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