The combination of continuing hot weather, lack of rainfall and high demand has prompted the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) to implement Stage 2 water conservation measures in Lister. (The system is under Stage 1 water conservation measures from June 1-Sept. 30 regardless of weather.)
That means Lister Water System used can water lawns only from 6-10 a.m. and gardens, trees and shrubs from 7 p.m.-10 a.m. Watering of gardens, trees and shrubs by watering can or handheld hose is still allowed anytime.
“The RDCK reminds Lister water users the Lister Water System is limited to residential/domestic use only. Outdoor watering is limited to one sprinkler for lawn and garden use only,” to a maximum of 17 litres (three gallons) per minute,” said RDCK water service in a press release.