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RE: Creston Education Center

The drama is over for the time being.

To the Editor,

RE: Creston Education Center

The drama is over for the time being. We feel like we won because keeping the Creston Education Center open and the programs intact was always this community’s goal. The number of letters written, and the passion and compelling arguments put forth in these letters speak volumes for the residents of this valley. A group of directors from Valley Community Services, Kootenay Employment Services, Regional Directors, and the Town of Creston met numerous times to try to find the best solution to the dilemma placed on our community. Regional Director Garry Jackman put a lot of thought and planning into this process and was not willing to give up. Collaboration with the other Regional Directors and the Town of Creston resulted in a reasonable offer to the School Board. Fortunately for us, but probably more so for the School Board, the offer was accepted. Had it not been, pressure would have increased even more. The Minister of Education was certainly aware of the situation here, and he too must have been wondering what the School Board was thinking about their plan to place services in such inappropriate spots. Common sense prevailed and so we move forward. Special thanks for this should go to our Regional Directors, Councilor Jim Elford, and Mayor Ron Toyota. As they have before, they did what was best for our community. When you see them, thank them. Theirs is often a thankless job.

Arnie DeBoon, Creston