Fields Forward
Get ready Creston Valley – Kootenay Lake - your local Kootenay Mobile Press will be holding two “Press Fests” this October!
On Saturday, October 7th from 9:00am to 1:00pm, all residents are welcome to watch the new Mobile Juice Press in action. The Press will be stationed at the Cook Street Parking Lot in Downtown Creston (across from the Farmer’s Market). Come learn about the Mobile Juice Press Project and discover how you can be involved with the Fields Forward initiative. The second Press Fest will be in Crawford Bay on Saturday October 21st from 11:00am to 2:00pm. Cherry juice will be available for purchase at both Press Fest events. Proceeds will go towards future press operations.
All juice pressed at the events will go towards our local school food programs/hampers. Schools receiving donated juice include Yakan Nukiy, Erickson Elementary, Canyon-Lister Elementary, Adam Robertson Elementary, Crawford Bay Elementary, Homelinks, Wildflower, Prince Charles Secondary School, and the Strong Start program.
Acquired early Spring, The Mobile Press is a single unit that can process, pasteurize, and package 900 litres of apple, pear, carrot, beet, cherry, or berry juice per hour, or up to 20,000 pounds of fruit daily. The juice is packaged into boxed bags (similar to wine bags) and is shelf stable for up to one year. The Mobile Press is based out of Creston, but travels throughout the entire Kootenay region.
If you have fruit you’d like to donate to our current events, please contact Lisa Weiss – Mobile Press Manager at For more information about the Mobile Press, please visit
Do you have extra fruit that you would like pressed into juice? If so, good news is on the way! A Community Press Fest date will be determined in the near future. If you’re interested in taking part, please contact Jen Comer – Fields Forward Coordinator at 250-428-5655 ext. 425, or by email