Creston RCMP are continuing to investigate a single motorcycle collision that left the driver and passenger seriously injured when it left the road on Highway 3A around 2 p.m. July 6.
Members of the Creston RCMP, BC Ambulance Service and Creston Fire Rescue attended the scene in the 9000 block of Highway 3A on the East Short of Kootenay Lake, approximately 40 kilometres north of Creston.
“A black 2004 Harley Davidson Classic motorcycle with a driver and passenger proceeded off road, to the right, and struck a cement barricade on a sharp corner,” said Const. David Skretting in a statement released today. “Both the driver and passenger were ejected from the motorcycle and suffered significant injuries.”
The male driver, from Salmo, suffered serious injuries, and the passenger, a Ymir female, suffered critical injuries. They were transported by ground ambulance to the Creston Valley Hospital and were both later airlifted to Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary, Alta. The pair remains in hospital in Calgary, but are in stable condition.
The Creston RCMP continues to investigate with the assistance of the Integrated Collision Analyst and Reconstruction Section.
“Members of the Creston RCMP believe that there be witnesses to the crash or to the driving patterns of the above noted motorcycle, who may not have spoken to investigators,” said Skretting. “As such, the Creston RCMP is asking that anyone who may have witnessed this incident, contact the Creston RCMP at 250-428-9313.”