At a very well attended Annual General Meeting the Creston Valley Arts Council has elected a full slate of officers. Joanna Wilson was unanimously elected President after serving for the past six months as Acting President. Other council officers are Alison Szpak as treasurer, Audrey Orosz as secretary and Anne Fetterly, Brenda Brucker, Wendy Franz, and Diane Weatherston as directors. Anna Perry and Taja Bibby are student interns on the executive committee.
The Creston Valley Arts Council plays the role as an umbrella organization for arts and culture in our regional which represents the area from Riondel to Yahk. It supports groups, individuals and organizations engaged in arts related activities. “Arts” means all the arts; visual, performing, literary, media, culture and heritage.
In her report to the members, Wilson praised the work of the volunteers and the accomplishments they have made over the last year. An annual Arts and Craft Garage sale was held last October followed by the Christmas Art and Craft Market. Members Art displays have continued at the Creston Library. After many years another poetry jam was held to help celebrate National Poetry Month.
Five workshops were held with photographer Jeff Banman and social media expert Mark Artyniuk on how to photograph and use social media to promote your work. In May the Arts Council collaborated with Focus On Youth to celebrate the local Arts and Culture Week and then followed that up with the second annual Teen Art Walk during Blossom Festival.
The year long A Full Plate project, which celebrates agriculture through the eyes of an artist, and which will conclude next January, has received Arts Council support as well as from Canada 150, Fields Forward and the Creston Kootenay Foundation.
The Arts Council has also disbursed thousands of dollars in grants available from BCAC, CKCA, local and regional governing bodies, and from the Council’s operating budget.
During the Bird Fest the Council co-sponsored with Kunze Gallery, The Nest Project which comprised of an art show, a workshop, and a lecture given by visiting Alberta artist, Tess Stieben.
Many of these events are also scheduled into this year’s program, the first being the Arts and Craft Garage Sale on October 21 at St Stephen’s Presbyterian Hall between 1:00 pm and 5:00 pm. Art and craft supplies will be available along with some household items.
The directors have recognized the need to create a formal strategic plan in order to raise the Arts Council’s profile within the community. As a result, the Council has enrolled in the CBT funded non-profit advisors program to meet this need.
The Council also has a new and improved website thanks to Mark Artyniuk, webmaster. Arts Council news and meeting times are posted regularly. Artists can also enter their own profile to promote their work. We encourage you to visit the website often at