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Creston author Lorn Wolf launching 'The Sol'Mar' at Black Bear Books

Woodcutter and Sol'Mar author Lorn Wolf holding launch and signing Dec. 4 at Black Bear Books...
Author Lorn Wolf at a summer book signing in Calgary.

After several months of touring to launch his new book, The Sol’Mar, Creston author Lorn Wolf is back in town for a launch and signing tonight at Black Bear Books.

From 7-9 p.m. customers can meet the author of The Sol’Mar, the second novel in the Balance series and a sequel to the bestselling The Woodcutter.

“It’s been four years since the woodcutter made the journey into the Whispering Forest and gave his promise to the ancient being that dwells within,” says The Sol’Mar’s dust jacket. “While he struggles to understand the conflicts that continue to burden his family, his concerns are drawn outward by the recent uprisings that threaten to plunge the kingdom into war. … As the peril to the land increases, Shyla’s sixteenth birthday approaches, and the woodcutter still doesn’t understand what the Water Fairy could want with his little girl.”