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Unicyclist riding for climate change stops in Creston

Joseph Boutilier is delivering a big message from the smallest vehicle he could find as he travels from Victoria to Ottawa...
Joseph Boutilier with the unicycle he’s pedalling across Canada.

Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’ on one wheel. Joseph Boutilier is delivering a big message from the smallest vehicle he could find as he travels from Victoria to Ottawa. He rolled into Creston May 5 on his unicycle to promote the need for action on climate change.

“The need for drastic action to address climate change is beyond urgent,” he says. “The crisis is clear. Without substantial efforts to curb carbon emissions, the average surface temperature is likely to rise by more than four degrees [Celsius] within the century, triggering far more colossal, fatal and frequent hurricanes, heat waves, ice storms, floods, famines and typhoons than those that have already rocked the world with unprecedented violence in the past two decades.”

More information about Boutilier and his 5,000-kilometre journey can be found at