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Doukhobor Discovery Centre hosts borshch cook-off

Find out who makes the best borshch and why the museum spells borshch they way it does

The Doukhobor Discovery Centre (DDC) held a Borshch Cook-off on Saturday, Oct 14. More than 250 people sampled various styles of the traditional soup.

The judges chose Sayle Lebedow’s borshch for first place. Tim Babakkieff came in second and Mark Terry came in third.

The People’s Choice Award went to Elaine Whitehead.

There are several different ways to spell borshch, such as borsch and borscht.

The DDC uses borshch — without a “t” — as their preferred spelling for several reasons. In the Russian language, borshch is spelled as “борщ”. Following the International Phonetic Alphabet, the “щ” is transcribed as shch. In Russian, this letter is pronounced by making a “sh” sound while pressing the tongue to the top of your mouth.

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Betsy Kline

About the Author: Betsy Kline

After spending several years as a freelance writer for the Castlegar News, Betsy joined the editorial staff as a reporter in March of 2015. In 2020, she moved into the editor's position.
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