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Daniel Recap

Daniel’s messages are rich in faithfulness, in prophecy and encouraging messages

We have reached the end of our studies through the book of Daniel the prophet.

We have looked at his life of faithfulness to God under very trying circumstances, looked at history where the prophecies were fulfilled and have looked at, as yet, unfulfilled prophecies.

So what did we learn? Perhaps the following will help.

Daniel’s messages are rich in faithfulness, in prophecy and encouraging messages:

God knows the future. He knows His people. He knows us personally. He cares for us; we are precious to Him. Through Michael He rescues us from all tribulation and distress, from lion’s dens and from fiery furnaces.

The book of Daniel can be understood only in the time of the end. Today. While we may not understand all details of Daniel, we do understand the book as a whole, showing that we live in the time of the end and are waiting for Jesus’ second coming.

We have encountered our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We met Him in the person of the man in linen clothes, we met Him as Michael, the prince also in Daniel 10 and 12. We met Him as the prince of the covenant, crucified so that He could save us.

This Old Testament book, Daniel, is full of Jesus. He is victorious over all powers of darkness. Note where He appears in:

• Daniel 2 as a stone

• Daniel 3 as the Son of God

• Daniel 7 as the Son of Man

• Daniel 8 as the prince of the host and the Prince of Princes

• Daniel 9 as Messiah Prince

• Daniel 10 as the man with linen clothes and Michael our prince

• Daniel 11 as the prince of the covenant

• Daniel 12 as Michael and as the man with linen clothes

In gratitude, we acknowledge Him as our Lord and praise Him. Contemplating Jesus, we can only love Him.

We have the wonderful hope of resurrection. Our life here and now is only a prelude to life eternal. God has an everlasting kingdom (Dan 4:3). The Highest has everlasting dominion (Dan 4:34; 7:27); so has Jesus (Dan 7:14). And the saints will participate in it (Dan 7:27). Jesus has brought everlasting righteousness (Dan 9:24) and everlasting life (Dan 12:2–3). He has guaranteed resurrection for His people. Therefore, we do not need to be afraid.

Even if we die, the promise given to Daniel is also given to us—that we will rest until the resurrection. It is repeated in Revelation 14:13: “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. Blessed indeed, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!”

As the hymn says. “Lift up the trumpet and loud let it ring, ‘Jesus is coming again!’”

Are you ready? You may accept Jesus as your own personal Saviour from your sins today and live with Him forever and ever.