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Creston Fire Rescue members spend evening ‘carolling’

Creston Fire Rescue members decked out their trucks and drove around town playing Christmas music...
Creston Fire Rescue brought holiday cheer to town on Sunday

On Sunday evening, Creston Fire Rescue members decked out their trucks and drove around town playing Christmas music over their loudspeakers. Here is what Chief Mike Moore said following the event on the Creston Fire Rescue Facebook page:

As the fire chief of this beautiful community, I must say that I feel humble and honoured to serve the wonderful residents of this incredible community.

Many accomplishments that this great fire service has done in the last few years have me privately thanking my firefighters at the fire station for a job well done. When I am thanked for the work that the fire department has done, I am quick to let others know that it is the men and women of this local fire service that actually make these accomplishments happen.

Tonight is no different. I left a great community eight years ago to begin my new career here. ... We had always decorated fire trucks and played music the Sunday before Christmas. I missed it so much from the first year I was here in 2007. This year, my terrific firefighters and assistant fire Chief Jared Riel made my missing “Christmas carolling” a thing of the past.

So, very publicly, I must say, that it is a great privilege to be the fire chief that serves the best firefighters and fire officers that I could ever wish for. With no plan or idea how we would get it all done, we decorated the trucks and spent over five hours driving through our great community. The smiles and waves from the adoring public made me even more proud.

Although, directly, I work for the residents of Creston, to do my job, I work to serve great men and women who protect this community, put in hundreds of hours in incidents and training. Then when I have an idea of decorating fire trucks, it happens without question.

The Town of Creston has the best firefighters, not because I believe it, but because tonight I seen the faces of young and old that were in awe of what will become an annual tradition for this community.

Thank you, firefighters!