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Spring cleanse

Spring is the season of the liver and is the best possible time of the year to do a liver cleanse.

From the Chinese Medicine perspective, every season has an organ system that is most active at that time of year. Spring is the season of the liver and is, therefore, the best possible time of the year to do a liver cleanse. Every person’s health and well-being is dependent on how their body removes and purges toxins from the body. Over winter, our bodies accumulate cellular waste from a heavy and more fortified diet. These foods can cause the intestines to secrete a heavy mucous coating, and to be sluggish. This can cause the intestines to harbor harmful bacteria and impedes proper absorption of nutrients. These two problems can lead to constipation and autointoxication, causing the intestines to re-absorb toxic materials back into the bloodstream, burdening the liver and other organs of elimination. In spring, the body moves into a cycle of rebuilding and cleansing accumulated toxins from our bodies and minds, making it a perfect time to start a cleanse. In addition, with all the environmental pollution, toxic body care products, and processed foods, most of us could benefit greatly from a good detox! The liver is one of the hardest working organs in the body. It works tirelessly to detoxify our blood, produce the bile needed to digest fat, break down hormones, and store essential vitamins, minerals and iron. And when the liver is not functioning optimally, we cannot digest our food properly, especially fats! A cleanse should consist of 2 weeks of the following:

What are the toxins to avoid?

• Alcohol • Coffee • Refined sugar and artificial sweeteners • Tobacco • Artificial additives & preservatives (check for numbers on food labels) • Hydrogenated oils, often added to snack foods. • Avoiding processed food altogether • Non-organic meats & diary which may contain hormones, pesticides & antibiotics in their feed. • Any known food allergens or digestive irritants

What should I eat?

• Water intake of 1.5-2 litres per day • Take 1-2 Tbsp of freshly ground Flax seed daily on morning oats (or whatever you prefer) to keep your colon moving efficiently. If more regularity is still needed, consider adding a glass of prune juice per day • Smoothies (ex. Blueberries, warm water, protein powder, omega oil, greens powder, 1 tsp cocoa powder) • Fruit and Vegetables (preferably organic), especially fresh sprouts, leafy greens, carrots and sweet potatoes. • Organic/ Biodynamic/ Free range dairy & meat • Nuts/Seeds, beans and legumes, whole grains • Soups, stews, and stir-fry meals • Blackstrap Molasses, Organic Raw Honey (small amounts) or maple syrup • Olive oil or coconut oil • Fresh herbs & spices

Additional Support: • Drink Liver Cleansing Herbal Tea’s such as Dandelion Root

• Take Herbal Medicine such as Milk Thistle (as directed) • Take Chinese Herbal Medicine such as liver tonic capsules • Acupuncture provides excellent support for a liver cleanse. In addition, you can benefit from additional dietary and lifestyle recommendations that are unique to your constitution • Drink Lemon juice in warm water, first thing in the morning: Simply add 1/2tsp to 1 tsp of fresh lemon juice to a cup of warm water. Drink it on an empty stomach. This is alkalizing to your body, and will help cell detoxification and will gently stimulate your Liver and Gall Bladder, helping them to work better.

If you have never done a cleanse before, it’s a good idea to check with your healthcare practitioner. However, the potential health benefits of doing a liver cleanse are numerous! It will reduce fatty liver disease and can help gallstones. Also, you may experience more energy, improved digestion, better sleep, less joint pain, clearer complexion, and weight loss. A cleanse sets the stage for a healthy and energizing start to your year.

Paul Gaucher and Dove Sprout co-own Creston Acupuncture & Natural Health Centre