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Heart health in women – complex and varied

Heart disease isn’t just a man’s game anymore

Heart disease isn’t just a man’s game anymore……as women, we have achieved equality in cardiac stats! 1 in 2 of us will have a heart event in our lifetime. It is the #1 killer of women in Canada, taking the lives of 31,000 women in Canada annually. But here’s the brilliant news! 8 out of 10 cardiac or stroke events are preventable. Your healthcare provider is here to diagnose, help and advise, but your heart health is mostly up to you.

What does a heart attack in a woman look like?

We all think about that classic vice-like squeezing or fullness in the centre of the chest that lasts for a few minutes and may return. That’s possible, but here’s where women consistently describe different symptoms. We often have pain in one or both arms (not just the left side), have shortness of breath (but not always with chest pain), break out into a cold sweat and experience nausea, vomiting, back or jaw pain, neck stiffness, dizziness or extreme fatigue. As with so many conditions, women are more complex and varied.

Why are we different in our heart symptoms?

Well, it mostly comes down to hormones. After menopause, we no longer have the generous cardio-protective flow of estrogen in our bodies and our risk of a heart event increases. A natural slowing down in our activities reduces the fitness of our heart and may add weight to our bodies, especially around the middle. Arthritis/pain make it more challenging to find just the right kind of exercise. Pelvic dysfunction (incontinence and prolapse) often make it more challenging to enjoy physical fitness classes and activities.

How can we prevent 8 out of 10 heart attacks and strokes?

Set a goal to become physically active for 150 minutes each week of moderate (can barely chat) to vigorous (huff and puff) activity a week. Start with bouts of 10-minute bursts at a time. Climb up and down your stairs without stopping until your body says to take a break. Walk for 30 minutes daily or add an errand-walk into your day. Include a warm up and cool down so your heart is ready for and restored from the fun! Stretch after you exercise when your muscles are warm and ready to enjoy lengthening. Wear comfy clothes and a sports bra that is supportive but not too tight. Hydrate as you perspire and enjoy a post-exercise snack of fruit or nuts. Find ways to exercise that you enjoy. Repeat.

Eat a healthy diet that is richly coloured with lots of greens, provides a variety of fibre (including legumes, beans, peas, nuts, and seeds) and is delicious. Eliminate empty calorie snack foods (read the labels on those foil wrapped goodies) and sugary drinks. Enjoy a vegetarian meal to provide you with a delicious source of high fibre, low saturated fat option with lots of taste and nutrition. Make time to cook at home and sit down with your family to enjoy a meal together. Savor the flavour, enjoy the health-promoting, nutritious food and precious time together.

Reduce your stress. Make sleep a priority. Meditate or have quiet time for 10 minutes every day. Balance your activities with restoration. Take time to let go, relax, enjoy, do nothing. Just be. Learn to breathe to relax….on your in-breath, take a deep belly breath that will lower your blood pressure, calm your neurological system and bring peace of mind. Don’t overlook your emotional/mental health. Access help if you’re struggling with stress, depression, anxiety or grief.

It’s about your heart, your commitment to heart health and living vibrantly through the years. Enjoy!